We're still in the middle of moving, but the blog is now found at everythingisntnormal.com

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Passionate Writing Vs. Productivity

So, it would appear that in my writing, I may have funneled so much of my writing passion into some posts that reflected other personal passions, specifically defending women's rights, that I sort of burned myself out. I haven't been very productive for several weeks and I instantly wish to blame it on some sort of "passion vs. productivity" element in my ability to write. I'm probably very wrong, given I've got 35 other factors working against me.

The truth is, I'm in absolute awe of how every mom who blogs manages to write consistently good articles. The truth is, it's hard to write well and write consistently. My children are 3 1/2 and nearly 5 (only 21 more days of being 4!) and I find all my free time (not monitoring them) is done rubbing my aching back, the tired eyes, and choking down terrible coffee because I forgot to buy a good flavored creamer. I'm also challenged with the dilemma of "Do I write for the blog or do I do some online data entry work because we need the money?" We depleted our wedding budget on non wedding emergency things (yes, actual emergencies) and now the wedding date is four months away and we've done so little, the most I've managed to do is make an almost decision on flowers.

So writing has become a bit of a dreamer's dream instead of a do-er's dream. My goals are shucked to the wayside while I freak out about everything I don't have figured out. In fact, that freaking out may be even more of an issue that the issue itself, given that my brain does this thing where it worries about the things that cannot be immediately fixed until it exhausts itself beyond ability to do anything that can be immediately arranged.

Please tell me I'm not the only one doing this to myself?

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